4/12/20 – HE IS RISEN!

If you rise up early in the morning and turn on Facebook by 6:45, you will see JEFF THORPE meeting the dawn with those words! Christians were the ones who discovered the fact that JESUS HAD BEEN RAISED FROM THE DEAD! They weren’t called Christians yet. They were “Followers of THE WAY.” At dawn that morning, the women were there to anoint Jesus’ body. That tells you they did not expect what came to them– a brilliant angel bringing GOOD NEWS! Jesus is RISEN! The women told the disciples and the disciples told others until on and on–for two thousand years and here we are, shouting “HE IS RISEN!” 

Join us at 6:45 a.m. for a SUNRISE MESSAGE on Facebook. Then ONLINE WORSHIP FOR EASTER CELEBRATION at 10:30 with Pastor Ginger. The topic is: “Jesus: The True Way to Life.” I can’t wait to talk about it! He is RISEN INDEED!

READ the SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 28

READ the Message:  Jesus: The True Way to Life


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