3/29/20 – Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

As we enter the fifth week of Lent, we draw closer and closer to the time of Jesus’ Passion. This week’s lesson takes place after Jesus raised Lazarus, his close friend, from the dead. By this time great numbers of people followed Jesus. Many people wondered, is Jesus the Ruler sent to us by God? Is Jesus the Ruler who will free us from the Romans? And yet we know the next week of Jesus’ life will lead to a shameful death. Why did this wonderful man obviously sent from God have to die?

That’s the subject for this week’s ONLINE WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:30 a.m. Join us on this website, clicking on Live Stream. A bulletin is provided below the link for you to follow along. Sing, praise, dance — be encouraged. God is with us, and wants to lift your spirits. We hope that you will take courage as we encourage you! You can prepare for the service by reading the Scriptures below. You can also make your tithes and offerings online, or mail them to the church, or drop them off in the church’s mailbox. You see, even though it is different, the church remains vibrant at all times because YOU are the church. AMEN? “See” you Sunday (virtually, that is!).

READ:  John 12:19-26 and Isaiah 53:4-12

READ the MESSAGE:  Why Did Jesus Have to Die?


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