3/24/2024 “Songs of Loudest Praise”

This Sunday is Palm Sunday and we can’t wait! Before the service, the kids will line up in the narthex to get ready to march in with their palm branches; please arrive at 10:15 for that. Rev. Rachael McConnell will be preaching a sermon from John 12:12-16 titled “Songs of Loudest Praise”. We hope you’ll join us at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages and at 10:30 for our Worship Service. Our hymn sing is also this Sunday at 3 PM.

Coming up this month:
– Now is the time to order Easter lilies! Fill out a form in the narthex or email the church office. Lilies are $10 each.
– Maundy Thursday services are coming up on March 28! You can sign up to attend here.
Sign up for the Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil here. We still have so many slots available!


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