3/18/18 – The Food that Endures Forever

What a wonderful gift to receive a surprise celebration for reaching my tenth anniversary with FPCD! What a surprise when former Youth Pastor Steve Netniss walked in to preach and party with us after the service! Thank you for the wonderful reception, cards, and gifts. FPCD has been a fabulous church of willing disciples  who have grown in their faith by Connecting with God, and reached out to the surrounding neighbors to Share the Good News. Put that together and it reflects our mission:  Connecting with God and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the Community. THANK YOU CHURCH! See you Sunday at 9:15 for Sunday School, and 10:30 for Worship!

READ John 6:26-37

READ the Message:  The Food that Endures Forever


One response to “3/18/18 – The Food that Endures Forever”

  1. Wow! At last I got a webpage from where I know how to in fact get valuable data regarding my study and knowledge.

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