3/13/22 – God’s Love: Pay It Forward

What does it mean to love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength? This is the first and most important command. Sometimes we wonder how we are to accomplish it, though, and how we are to accept God’s love for us! We know our shortcomings (one of them being “to love God fully!”). So I thought of who was a good example of loving God, and David came to mind. David had such confidence in God’s love that he volunteered to be in a showdown with Goliath. You most likely know the story. That is the subject for the 10:30 Worship Service.

Sunday School takes place at 9:15 for all ages. Also, on Wednesday night enjoy dinner and the Lenten Bible study at 6:00 p.m. Study books are available. REMEMBER, Saturday night begins Daylight Savings Time so move your clock forward one hour. If you want to help with the FPCD Booth at “Flavor of Duncanville” on March 17th, you may pick up a box for cookies in the kitchen, and sign up on Sunday in the sanctuary. It’s going to be an exciting week! I can’t wait to see you there! 

READ:  Mark 12:29-34 and 1 Samuel 17:32-50

READ the SERMON:  God’s Love: Pay it Forward



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