3/11/18 – Food that Endures Forever

We all have things we turn to that give us comfort. Sometimes those things are good and healthy, and other times . . . well, maybe not so much! Jesus noticed that about people when he walked the earth. He often addressed those things. He asks pressing questions. Sometimes he went straight for the heart. Oh my! He is sort of nosy that way!

Perhaps that’s what makes us a little hesitant when it comes to Jesus. However, he strives always to present us with a great alternative. What could be greater than to overcome death? This week we discuss his conversation about “food that lasts forever” which is found through faith in him. It is a great time to bring your questions. In the meantime, SPRING FORWARD THIS SATURDAY! Sunday School is at 9:15 for all ages and stages of faith. Worship is at 10:30. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Exodus 16:13-17, 31 and John 6:26-37

READ the Message:  The Food that Endures Forever


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