3/1/20 – Miracle in the Cemetery

Sunday is the first week of Lent, six weeks devoted to seeking Jesus and learning his ways. We begin with a story of heartbreak. A man who has such a troubled lifestyle that his town cannot deal with him has left and lives in the local cemetery among the tombs. But then one day Jesus shows up and everything changes –not just for him but for the whole town. It changes because Jesus does something special for them.

Has Jesus done something for you? One of the most encouraging things to your faith is to recall those events and also to share them with others. In doing so you can face the challenges in front of you with renewed hope. Sunday we meet for Sunday school at 9:15 for all ages, with worship at 10:30 where we will celebrate Communion. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Mark 5:1-20 and Psalm 107: 10-15

READ the MESSAGE:  Miracle in the Cemetery




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