2/11/18 – Jesus Saves the Celebration!

How often do you celebrate something? A birthday? Most likely! A wedding? Why, yes! The tradition has gone on for thousands of years. This week at First Presbyterian, the worship service will be a celebration. The entire service is built around testimonies of people who have been inspired to do ministries and why. We are going to celebrate them and life at FPCD.

The Scripture that inspires us is that of Jesus saving the day at a wedding party when the host ran out of wine. Thanks to his mother, Jesus generously and delightfully stepped in. Come hear BRENDA EVERETT tell the story. Come listen to the stories of your friends as they share what they are celebrating at FPCD. Afterwards, we will enjoy a potluck, and vote on the business of our Annual Meeting. Worship begins at 10:30, with Sunday School at 9:15. I can’t wait to see YOU!

READ: John 2:1-12

READ the Message:  Jesus Saves the Celebration


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