2/25/2024 – “Rescue Me from Danger”

It’s the Second Sunday of Lent! This week, Rev. Rachael McConnell will be giving a sermon titled “Rescue Me From Danger”, from Psalm 22 and Matthew 14:22-33. Join us at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages and at 10:30 AM for the Worship Service. Don’t forget! We also have our annual congregational meeting and our potluck this week!

Coming up this month:
– The Lenten book study began on Wednesday, February 21, at 6 PM each week, but it’s not too late to join! If you would like to purchase a copy of the book “Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day” by Kate Bowler, contact the church office. The price is $15.
– This week is our Annual Congregational Meeting! You’ll want to attend so we can look back at 2023 and celebrate all that God has done this past year. We’ll also have a potluck after the meeting.
– Sandwiches are due on Monday, February 26, at 6:45 PM.


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