2/14/21 – The Power of Words

Saturday, February 13, we will be celebrating the life of Dick Bergman with a memorial service at 11:00 AM. The service will be available both in-person and streamed on our website at www.fpcd.org/live-stream. For those who attend in person, please wear a face mask and practice social distancing.

Sunday, February 14, Adult Sunday School classes meet at 9:15 AM followed by Morning Worship at 10:30 AM. Join us to hear a message from guest preacher Rev. Jim Witherow who will be sharing a message titled “The Power of Words.” He will be preaching from Matthew 5:33-37 in continuation of Pastor Ginger’s series on Spiritual Actions that will help Defeat the Plague.

As always, if you plan to worship from home, you can tune in to the service at www.fpcd.org/live-stream.


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