12/8/19 – Children’s Christmas Pageant “Lessons & Carols”

Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 in the Sanctuary as the children and youth present “Lessons & Carols,” the story of God’s plan for God’s people, begun so long ago. It is a beautiful story told in narration and song. 

On December 15 the choir leads us in concert at the 10:30 Worship service performing “Madrigals for Christmas,” with Mikhail McDaniels on the clarinet. We follow that celebration with a potluck meal in Fellowship Hall.

The Christmas Eve candlelight service takes place at 6:00 p.m. The choir sings “Christmas Joy” by Reed Bunger, with Carol West playing the harp. Hear five storytellers tell the grand story of Jesus’ coming into the world. We invite you to join FPCD to celebrate this most important season of the year–the birth of our Savior. Wise men and women still seek him! See you there! 

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:4-7

Meditation:  Counselor


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