12/3/2023 – Rebirth

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages! Our Worship Service is at 10:30 AM and is the first Sunday of Advent! We’ll hear a message titled “Rebirth” from Murray Richey, who will also lead us in our celebration of Communion. After the service, we’ll have a brief congregational meeting to approve the call for the new pastor, followed by a farewell reception for Jennifer McWilliams.

Coming up this month:
-The Messiah sing-a-long is this afternoon! Join us at 3 PM to sing the familiar favorites!
-The Kids’ Caroling Choir will practice a final time this Wednesday, December 6 at 6:30 PM before performing in the foyer on December 10 before the service.
-The Christmas auction opened this week! You can bid online at www.fpcd.org/auction now through December 10. Contact the church office if you need help placing a bid or would like to schedule a time to view the items.


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