12/24/21 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 6:00 p.m.

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Advent folds into Christmas on December 24th as the birth of Jesus Christ occurs. Ordinary people fill the stage of this story–believers Mary and Joseph; their relatives and ancestors (Ruth, Naomi, Boaz, Elizabeth and Zechariah); working shepherds; farm animals; and kings from distant countries. Christmas Eve we remember this love story where God is at work seeing to it that every detail of God’s plan happens. And in that story we are able to have true hope and a real future.

As the years pass, through our own difficulties and hardships we begin to realize our need of hope, and we desire a real and certain future. That is found here, in God’s story of saving us through Jesus. JOIN US for this special time of worship! Then, Sunday, December 26 join us for:

There will be no Sunday School classes this week, however, children who will be playing or singing during the service are asked to meet with their teachers at 9:45 AM to rehearse.



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