12/2/18 – God Redeems: From Darkness to Light

This week scientists and engineers at NASA accomplished a longtime goal of landing “InSight” on Mars. Many variables made it quite a risky endeavor. That did not stop the men and women who worked so hard to make it happen. Have you ever committed to a long-term plan you believed in?

God is a long-term planner. God had in mind when God created the world to bring a world full of light, and overcome a world full of darkness. Nothing has deterred God from this plan–not human failure; not wars; not the discouragement of disunified nations or disinterested people. We are just now entering Advent. Advent is a “seeker” time set aside to explore the deeper things of faith. Advent is a time to seek light, for Jesus is the light of the world. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light . . .” Join us as we explore the light on Sunday. Sunday School at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. SATURDAY AT 6:00, DINNER & AUCTION to support FPCD’s women’s ministries. I can’t wait to see you!  

READ: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, Matthew 4:12-17

READ the SERMON:  God Redeems: From Darkness to Light


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