12/19/21 – Christmas Cantata: “I Hear the Prophet Callin’”

Sunday the FPCD Choir presents the Christmas story from prophecy to fulfillment. This cantata has a unique perspective as the story begins in Isaiah, and lets prophecy give context to the actual happens in the lives of those who listened to God–Mary, the shepherds, those following the star, those who were asked to go tell the good news. It then includes us, inviting us to embrace this great joy; to know this release from sin and curse; to let the blessings flow. I HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US!

Then, Friday, December 24, 6:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve is the Candlelight Service. This service is kid friendly. We invite you to hear the story of that infamous day through storytelling, along with a message entitled “If That Donkey Could Talk.” This service includes moments for children to share a Bible verse, and the singing of “Silent Night,” first in German (a solo), and then all of us together as we light our candles to represent the Light of the World.

Sunday, December 26 at 10:30 join us for “A Family Christmas Sing-A-Long Service.” Families or groups of friends are invited to sing a carol together. Come prepared with what you would like to share! Or just sing along. It is a celebration where children are invited to come in the PJs and bring a toy for show and tell during the children’s moment. WHAT A GREAT WAY TO END 2021!

Merry Christmas!   


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