12/17/2023 – A Humble Request

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages! This Sunday is our monthly prayer service; this month, we’re focusing on Supplication. Join us for the Worship Service at 10:30 AM and enjoy a message from Jeff Thorpe titled “A Humble Request”, from Philippians 4:6-7. We hope you’ll join us for

Coming up this month:
-Sandwiches for the Austin Street Shelter are due on Monday, December 18, by 6:45 PM.
-The choir rehearsal this Wednesday, December 20, will not be in the Sanctuary; instead there will be a Christmas party and rehearsal at the Bayless’s house at 6:30.
-Our Christmas Eve services will be at 10:30 AM and 3 PM, and we’ll be having two sessions of Lessons and Carols. We would be thrilled if you would join us for the celebration of our Savior’s birth.
-The final service of the year will be Carols & Handbells, on December 31 at 10:30 AM. Come sing with us, play the handbells, and ring in the new year!


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