12/17/2017 – Handel’s Messiah

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 and 10:30 am for Sunday School and Worship, then come back Sunday evening at 6:00 pm to be blessed by a performance of Handel’s Messiah! The choir is joined by soloists Dameron Growe, Brandon Johnson, Christion Draper, Chloe Bonner, and Candice Maughan. Choir Director Nyadia Thorpe leads, along with accompanist Brittany Haywood and a wonderful chamber orchestra. We can’t wait to share this Christmas event with you!

Following Handel’s Messiah, the Deacons host an appetizer and dessert reception. PLEASE NOTE, NO church potluck.

For Sunday Worship, READ: 2 Kings 4:1-7

READ the MESSAGE:  The Best Partner in the World


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