12/11/22 – Special Children’s Christmas Presentation

This Sunday join us for the telling of the Christmas story by the children of FPCD. Enacting the story ensures they have learned the story and that is something every child benefits from. As we ponder the story, it involves both good and bad; triumph and tragedy; faith and action, and most of all wonder over the fact that our God loves us enough to come to us. “Emmanuel. God is with us!”

Also, the FPCD Women’s Auction will be open for bids through the end of the day Sunday, December 11 (11:59 p.m.), so go ahead and place your bids online on this website! All items are on display in the Fellowship Hall, so if you would like to see them, they will be available from now until Sunday. There’s even a computer set up so you can make your bids while here! 

I can’t wait to see you! Sunday School at 9:15 and Worship Service at 10:30

UPDATE ON SANTA COP TOY DRIVE through Joys & Toys Concert:  donations totaled about 500 toys!

READ:  Matthew 2:13-20

READ the MESSAGE: God’s Business is Life Not Death 




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