12/1/19 – Wonderful News

Today marks the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means waiting. Did you wait over the Thanksgiving holiday? Did you wait for dinner to be prepared, anticipating your favorite dish? Did you wait for family members whom you had not seen for a while to arrive? Did you wait hoping for someone else to do the dishes after the meal was over? Did you wait for Black Friday sales to do your Christmas shopping? Waiting is a part of life. It actually builds hope, though most people resist waiting.

This Sunday begins a special season of preparing ourselves to receive God’s promise. How are you with trusting promises? Be assured God’s promises are trustworthy. To build your trust, join in this month’s worship. We begin with communion at the 10:30 Worship Service. Sunday School for all ages and stages of faith begins at 9:15. CHILDREN REHEARSE SUNDAY MORNING IN THE SANCTUARY DURING SUNDAY SCHOOL. Please be in attendance. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  Jeremiah 31:1-11

READ the MESSAGE:  Wonderful News


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