11/7/21 – When Jesus is a Target, So are You!

Do you know anyone whom you would identify as having great integrity? When you think of this particular person, do you think of his or her character first? Job was such a man. He held his spiritual duty above all else–honoring God with his wealth; looking out for the spiritual wellbeing of his kids even after they were grown; being faithful in all he did. Yet good as he was, this did not prevent him from suffering. When his life was turned upside down by several devastating events, how did he cope? What did he do? To whom did he turn? Those are questions being addressed in this Sunday’s 10:30 worship service.

Sunday also begins Stewardship month. Each week you will hear a stewardship testimony and the first one will be by Allen Conley. Please plan to attend. Remember, Saturday night we “fall back” to Central Standard Time. Plan on Sunday School at 9:15. Also, please put November 21 on your calendar for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner. Signups begin this Sunday. I can’t wait to see you!

READ: Job 1:1-22 and Matthew 10:24-26 

READ the SERMON: When Jesus is a Target, So are You! 


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