11/22/20 – Faith and Crisis: How “Tried” is Your Faith?

Have you ever had your faith challenged? How did it come out? The year 2020 has been a trying year. We have all certainly had our faith “tried.” Are you stronger now than you were in March? King Hezekiah was strong in faith but in this week’s lesson, his strong faith was tried beyond his imagination. That is our subject matter as we head into Thanksgiving week.

Auction ImageEven though in 2020 we have not been able to do some of the things we have done in past years, our Christmas Auction this year has gone “virtual!” All items are listed on this website and you make your bids here beginning December 1. Bids will be open until December 12.

To launch the event, we auction the first item “in person” this Sunday. It is the Thanksgiving basket pictured here. You must be present to bid. It will be awarded to the highest bidder at Lemonade on the Lawn after the service.

At 9:15 there are two Sunday School classes for adults/youths and adults. Nursery is for ages four or younger. Worship is at 10:30. Online and in person. I can’t wait to see you!

READ:  2 Chronicles 32:1-19 and 2 Kings 19:1-19

READ the MESSAGE:  Faith and Crisis: How “Tried” is Your Faith?



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