11/19/23 – Entering the Sheep Gate

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages! Our Worship Service is at 10:30 AM and is our monthly prayer service; this month we’re focusing on Thanksgiving! We hope you’ll join us for this precious time of thanking God for all He has done in our lives. We’ll also hear a message from Jeff Thorpe titled “Entering the Sheep Gate”, from Matthew 18:12-14.

Coming up this month:
-Kids’ Caroling Choir: We’d love to have your children join us for the kids’ caroling choir, meeting for practice at 6:30 PM on Wednesday November 29 and December 6, and performing in the foyer before the service on December 10 at 10 AM.
-Hanging of the Greens will take place next Sunday, November 26 at 3 PM and November 28 at 9 AM.
-Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner is this Sunday evening at 6 PM. Please bring a side dish to share!


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