11/18/18 – Choosing Heaven Over Earth!

Once someone said, “I don’t want to be so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good.” Here’s another one: “There’ll be pie in the sky by and by when I die.” (Johnny Cash) But Muhammad Ali quipped,d “You don’t want no pie in the sky when you die, You want something here on the ground while you’re still around.” So how can you be heavenly minded that you are great earthly good? That’s the topic for Sunday worship at 10:30 as we complete our series on Why Worship? The DUNCANVILLE COMMUNITY CHORUS, sponsored by First Presbyterian, sings “Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates” from MessiahWe invite everyone to come hear them and participate in the send-off!

On Thursday morning THANKSGIVING DAY, the choir and VIPs from the community will be “leaving on a jet plane” for NYC to sing Handel’s Messiah at CARNEGIE HALL with Distinguished Concerts Int’l, New York!  We are so excited about this blessing and can’t wait to send pictures. Please come and help us celebrate!

READ: Psalm 96 and Luke 19:36-40

READ the Sermon:  Choosing Heaven Over Earth!



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