11/17/19 – The Craft of the Master Potter, Part II

Last Sunday we witnessed pottery built up and then crushed under the potter’s mighty hand. This Sunday we shall witness pottery with a different end. Don’t miss this powerful illustration by Jennifer at her potter’s wheel of how God shapes our very lives. Also, it is Stewardship Sunday, so please remember your stewardship cards!

Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM for all ages with worship at 10:30. Hope to see you all there!


  1. Come hungry with two dishes serving twelve on Saturday night for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner at 6 PM.
  2. Be invited to celebrate Angel’s 18th birthday with us Sunday 4 – 8 PM. Any helps decorating are welcome at 2 PM. 🙂
  3. The youth will be out next Wednesday night touring AT&T Stadium 5 – 8 PM. They must be at church by 4:45 PM. Don’t forget to sign up your youth if interested!

READ: 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Isaiah 64:4-9; Isaiah 65:1-2

READ the MESSAGE:  The Craft of the Master Potter, Part 2


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