11/12/23 – Let the Living Water Flow

Join us this Sunday at 9:15 AM for Sunday School for all ages! Then at 10:30, our Worship Service will be led by the youth at our church! We’re so excited for their participation in the service and their special cajon performance! We will also be honoring our veterans in the service. Mark Bransom will be joining us to give a message titled “Let the Living Water Flow”, from John 4.

Coming up this month:
-Kids’ Caroling Choir: We’d love to have your children join us for the kids’ caroling choir, meeting for practice at 6:30 PM on Wednesday November 15 and 29 and December 6, and performing in the foyer before the service on December 10 at 10 AM.
-Parking Lot Ministry will be this Thursday, November 16th, at 4 PM.
-Next Sunday, November 19th, will be our annual Thanksgiving Dinner at 6 PM. You can sign up to bring sides in the Narthex.


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