11/1/20 – Hezekiah Restores Worship in his Nation

Imagine such a headline on the front page of the Dallas Morning News. Substitute the word “Hezekiah” with the Dallas mayor’s name and the word “Nation” with City. What would you think? Most people, including Christians, would probably think it was quite controversial. Nonetheless, Hezekiah’s nation, Judah (the southern kingdom) was in trouble and truth be known, times were desperate. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Do you wonder about the results? Come Sunday as we begin a month of studying Hezekiah’s controversial actions to deal with a nation in crisis. 

Adult Sunday School classes are in session at 9:15. No children/youth classes yet, though! We would like to hear your input about when you are comfortable with resuming them. In the meantime, we also hope to begin some new small groups, and a Bible study with the pastor. You will hear more about that next week! In the meantime, I can’t wait to see (or be seen) by you!

READ:  2 Chronicles 29:1-12, 2 Chronicles 30:1-10 

READ the MESSAGE:  Hezekiah Restores Worship in his Nation






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