10/10/21 – The Power of Being F. A. T.

This Sunday, join us to hear a message from guest preacher, Pastor Roy Watson! Pastor Roy has supported us for several years in our Festivals of Hope, Community in Unity, and Community Conversations. We are very privileged to have him worshiping with us recently. Sunday, he will be continuing Pastor Ginger’s series on seemingly insignificant characters in the Bible who made a big difference to God, with a sermon on Exodus 17:8-15. Do you want to know the power of being “F. A. T.” (and what it stands for)? Worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Do you want to get more connected? Are you hungry for God’s word? Church really starts at 9:15 AM. During the hour before our worship service, we have a cajon class for anyone interested in learning to play, nursery, children’s Sunday School classes, and adult Bible Studies. Find your place in the Fellowship Hall Bible Study class led by Darrell Ingram, or in the Bible Basics class led by Eddie Cowand.

See you Sunday!


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