10/08/23 – The God Who Sees… Me?

This Sunday, October 8, we encourage you to join us for Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 AM, followed by Worship at 10:30! Come hear a message from Dr. Glenn Kreider on Genesis 16:1-16, about “The God Who Sees Me?” and be reminded about our God who is faithful to fulfill his promises, and sees us! (He even sees those who people tend to overlook.)

Also on Sunday, our youth will help lead the worship service as liturgists, playing special music, and assisting with ushering. All youth are also invited to participate in playing handbells during the service this week. If your child would like to participate, please bring them to Sunday School at 9:15 AM so they can practice!

Coming up this month:
– On Sunday, October 15, you’re invited to join us for a Prayer Service and Potluck!
– On Wednesday, October 18, at 4:00 PM, you’re invited to participate in the Parking Lot Ministry.
– On Sunday, October 29, invite your friends and join us for a Hymn Sing at 3:00 PM.


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