2/2/20 – Freedom’s Priorities

In uncertain times, how can you be sure of God’s hope for you? When the world seems filled with troubles all around you, how can you be uplifted by God’s love? It depends. How open are the lines of communication between you and God?

Jeremiah had very open communication with his Lord. The more he prayed and trusted, the more open God was with him. In all the trouble surrounding him it would have been easy to get dismally discouraged. But God kept whispering in his ear–never fear. This land, your people–you will be prosperous again. This is the best kind of news and we talk about it in worship on Sunday. Come at 9:15 for Sunday School, and 10:30 for worship. This is hopeful stuff and I can’t wait to share it with you!

P.S. Small groups signup is Sunday. Think about giving it a try!

READ: Jeremiah 32 and Luke 12:22-34

READ the MESSAGE:  Freedom’s Priorities


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