1/2/2022 – Revival in the Church

Happy New Year, friends!

What are your resolutions this year? To love God better? Love people more? Grow closer in your walk with the Lord? We’d love to help you with those! Make it your resolution in 2022 to journey in your faith with us here at First Presbyterian Church in Duncanville. Start that journey by joining us for worship on Sunday.

Sunday, January 2, we have the honor of being joined by guest preacher Jonathan Adams who will share with us what the Lord has laid on his heart for this year. He will be preaching from Ezekiel 36:22-30, sharing a message called “Revival in the Church.” Jonathan is a seminary student graduating in May from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters in Divinity, concentration in Pastoral Ministry. He is seeking a pastorship in God’s timing. Jonathan is married to his wife Becky, and together they have three children: David, Christopher, and Maranatha. They are excited to join us on Sunday and look forward to sharing a needed message for the church to come back and be wholly devoted to God.

See you Sunday!


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