07/9/23 – Since God Lives, It Can’t Be Dead!

Don’t give up! The best is yet to come. This Sunday, July 9th, hear an encouraging word from guest preacher, Dorothy Burton, for those ready to quit or give up. While the past may have been good, there are even better days ahead. No matter our age, no matter how far we have fallen, no matter how good yesterday may have been because God lives, whatever we think is dead can live again!

Youth Sunday is coming! Bring your kids out for a wonderful day of worship starting at 9:15 AM with Sunday School for all ages in the Fellowship Hall, followed by Youth Sunday Worship Service in the Sanctuary at 10:30 AM.

We have a vibrant worship experience each week. Come out and be blessed by worshiping with your brothers and sisters in Christ. There’s something for everyone! 

We hope to see you Sunday! 

– Nyadia


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