07/16/23 – The Dirty Dozen

Join us for worship this Sunday, July 16th as we welcome back Dr. Glenn Kreider, guest preacher. This week his message titled “The Dirty Dozen” is coming from Mark 5:21-43. In this sermon, expect to hear how Jesus makes the unclean clean. We can relate to this story in some way, and learn from Dr. Kreider’s perspective.

After worship, let our service begin! Let us be open to a time of gathering, singing, and praying together on Sunday mornings, and going forth to share what Good News we have received from God’s Word. 

This Sunday is also our 3rd Sunday Potluck! All are invited to fellowship following worship. You’re encouraged to bring a covered dish to share, but if you are unable to bring something, do not let that deter you from enjoying a meal with us. Please, plan to stay a while. 

Sunday School classes are at 9:15 AM for all ages in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee and donuts are often available, as well. We hope to see you in a small group, there is something for everyone! Worship begins in the Sanctuary at 10:30 AM. 

We hope to see you in church!



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